Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Books on Interpretation of Statutes referred

  1. V Bhattacharya, Interpretation of Statutes, Central Law Agency, Allahabad (1999).
  2. N S Bindra, Interpretation of Statutes, The Law Book Company, Allahabad (1997).
  3. Vepa P Sarathi, Interpretation of Statutes, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow (2005).
  4. G P Singh, Principles of Statutory Interpretation, Wadhwa Nagpur (2006)
  5. M P Tandon, Interpretation of Statutes and Legislation, Allahabad Law Agency, Faridabad (2001).
  6. B M Gandhi, Interpretation of Statutes, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow (2006).
  7. D N Mathur, Interpretation of Statutes, Central Law Publications, Allahabad (2006).
  8. A P Chatterjee, Interpretation of Statutes, Eastern Law House, Calcutta (1983).

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